Presented by the San Francisco Bar Association Insurance Practice Section
This annual program highlights the most significant California insurance issues addressed in the prior year. The January 20, 2011 program will cover:
- What constitutes a “suit” for purposes of defense and indemnity coverage after the California Supreme Court decision in the Ameron case.
- How a “separation of insureds” clause could mean the difference between coverage and no coverage.
- What is an “accident” or “occurrence” under current law, and from whose perspective is it measured.
- When does an umbrella insurer owe a duty to defend, and what is the effect of a self-insured retention.
- Developments in the law of bad faith, including whether the “genuine dispute” doctrine still applies to third party policies, and when the insurer has a duty to settle within policy limits.
- Allocation and burdens of proof in contribution actions among insurers.
- First party coverage, including business income and the meaning of “direct physical loss.”
- Michael Greenberg, Covington & Burling, LLP
- Michael Topp, Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold, LLP
- Judge Richard Kramer, San Francisco Superior Court
- John DiMugno, Publisher
- Kathryn Oliver, Farella Braun + Martel and Chair of the Insurance Practice Section.
BASF Conference Center
301 Battery Street, 3rd floor
San Francisco
- Registration - 11:30-12:00
- Lunch and program - 12:00-1:30
One hour of MCLE credit will be given, and written materials will be available.
The cost is $40 for section members, $50 for BASF members and $65 for non-members. Telephone: 415-982-1600. Online registration is available at