Mary McCutcheon, a partner at Farella Braun + Martel LLP, was selected to be a founding member of the Board of Regents of the American College of Coverage and Extracontractual Counsel. The newly formed organization was created by leading lawyers in the U.S. and Canada to improve the quality of the practice of insurance law. Continue Reading Mary McCutcheon a Founding Board Member of the American College of Coverage and Extracontractual Counsel

Farella partner Tyler Gerking will be a panelist on this important program focused at the nexus of intellectual property and insurance coverage law.

Topics to be Covered

  • Coverage for unauthorized disclosure of personally identifiable information, including coverage for notification obligations arising from data security breaches
  • Coverage for hacker, malware and denial of service attacks
  • Coverage

The blog team at Farella is delighted to announced that the Policyholder Perspective blog has been included in the initial list of nominees for the LexisNexis Insurance Law Community’s Top 50 Insurance Blogs for 2011 campaign.  The Policyholder Perspective blog is dedicated to providing comments and insights on issues of importance to anyone interested in

Presented by the San Francisco Bar Association Insurance Practice Section

This annual program highlights the most significant California insurance issues addressed in the prior year.  The January 20, 2011 program will cover:

  • What constitutes a “suit” for purposes of defense and indemnity coverage after the California Supreme Court decision in the Ameron case.
  • How a “separation of insureds”